Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Bubble Wrap Circle

Aurora’s godfather sent her an amazing painting of a narwhal.  Her wall is enriched, she now knows and loves Monodon monoceros, and we gained a ton of packaging wrap for play!  So we called over a friend and went to town.

The game I envisioned had the girls coloring in numbers 2-10.  We placed the numbers under pieces of bubble wrap. 

The girls stood on “x”s in the center of a floor, drew a numbered playing card, found their number in the circle, and jumped on the bubble wrap while the music played.  Yeah, so that was my game.  Way, way too structured for two year olds.  They were good sports anyway! 

The game morphed into a much more age appropriate run around and jump on bubble wrap when music played and freeze when it stopped.  Occasionally, they would yell out what number they were on, but mostly they just bounced, popped, and giggled.   Terrific use of an afternoon and a box of bubble wrap.