Monday, August 29, 2011

Bucket of Water

In Madison’s Children’s Museum parents pop their heads into the water room for a short two seconds and say, “Nope!” They quickly scoop up their children and run off. I attribute this to their seeing Aurora drenched head to toe as she pours cup after cup of water on her feet, her arms, and her belly. 

Since I pack Aurora multiple outfits when we go to the museum, I can sit back and watch as Aurora fills and empties measuring cups and metal pitchers from the decorative glass spigots. Mist swirls around her hands. Smiles of concentration adorn her face. The soft sunlight from the blue glass roof makes visible the halo I think must always sit upon her golden head.  

I could sit there for hours watching her gently pour water from pitchers to cups to pitchers again. In fact, I have—her attention span is astounding.

At home, we use a bucket. Well, actually, we use a giant Tupperware, a hose pipe, and several yogurt cups. She likes it as much as the museum’s fancy room. She also gets just as wet.

The game is the same. Pour water into cups and back out again. Pour water onto self. Pour water onto whatever happens to be around. Repeat. Repeat. A million happy times repeat.