Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Bird Seed Ornaments

Cold weather is here, and the resident birds are hungry.  Every morning the starlings and the cedar waxwings hit our cherry tree for the ripened red delights. The squirrel and chipmunk gather fallen sunflower seeds from the ground.  The cardinals and chickadees raid the feeder.  We all watch the action, but Loki likes it best, so we call it “kitty TV.”

Though we currently have a feeder (and by feeder I mean a dissected milk jug hanging on a string), Aurora and I decided that a few decorative embellishments could be a fun addition to our backyard, so today we made bird seed ornaments.

To make the ornaments, gather

2 packets of gelatin
½ c water
2 c bird seed
cookie cutters
wax paper
cookie sheet

In a small sauce pan, mix the gelatin into the water and heat until dissolved.  Stir in the bird seed.  Place the cookie cutters on a cookie sheet lined with wax paper.  Fill the cookie cutters with the bird seed gelatin, pausing midway to insert a looped string.  Allow the mixture to harden for eight hours. 

Ta da!  Bird Seed Ornaments!