Thursday, June 6, 2013

Dyed Rice

Aurora stars in the musical of her everyday life.  She sings and sings and sings about everything.  We call it “Aurora Radio.”  So the other day when I told her we were going to dye rice, she erupted into song about “oh, it will be so much fun to dye rice” and “dying rice is my favorite” and “I love dying rice.” 

Carefully, she poured ¼ c of vinegar into a small jar. 

Meticulously, she squeezed several drops of food coloring into the vinegar.

Enthusiastically, she poured the 1 c rice into the jars.

The jars were topped with lids and given a good shake-a-shake.

Then Aurora poured the damp colored rice onto paper bag lined cookie sheets to dry.  It took them two hours, but Aurora tested them every ten minutes of so, just in case.

At this point Dad asked, “What are you going to do with dyed rice?”

Geez, I did not really know.  A substitute for glitter in a craft.  Pour it into a shaker to make a toy for Adeline.  Practice pouring, weighting, mixing.  There were so many things we could to do with the dyed rice!

But we did not do any of those things.  Aurora asked me to pour it into bowls and she spent the better part of half and hour stirring the bowls round and round with her hands.  She pat it into “cookie” and “cakes.”  She pretended it was porridge.  She asked me not to put it away because she wanted to come back to it through out the evening to do more cooking.  She returned to it often, singing as she played.