Wednesday, February 26, 2014

M&M Math

Last summer when we first created M&M Math, numbers rarely added to more than four.  Numbers and addition symbols had to first be written by me and when they were transcribed by Aurora, they were written all over the paper.

Oh, and we learned the hard way that unless I was willing to grant Adeline open access to the candy, we could only play M&M Math during her nap.

Fast forward to yesterday.  Totals for addition were limited only by the quantities of candy in the bag.  Aurora wrote beautiful mathematical equations with no input from me what so ever.  I tried to stump her by varying the arrangements of the M&Ms and even mixing up the colors, but she was too clever.  She did not hesitate in her answers, wrote out each digit, and carefully choose an M&M from the pile as a reward.

Only when I introduced a zero did she take pause.