Friday, September 23, 2011

Books and Blankets

Yesterday Aurora needed to be carried during her favorite library circle time song: Walking, walking, walking, walking. Hop, hop, hop; hop, hop, hop. Running, running, running; running, running, running. Now we stop. Then at lunch she burst out crying in the middle of her apple sauce. My baby was sick.

We cuddled. We watched a million Elmo’s World. Aurora leaned her head on her frog pillow while I pet her forehead. She took two naps, which has only happened twice in the past year. By the end of the day Aurora was well again.  

It was a perfect day to play our recently invented game: Books and Blankets.  

It requires

a pile of books and
a pile of blankets.

As with all games there are many possible variations, but our favorite version is as follows: Cuddle close together. Choose an excellent book. Read the book several times through. Place the book to the side. Cover ourselves with a blanket. Choose another good book. Read it through and through. Place the book in the growing book pile. Cover ourselves with another blanket. Repeat until blankets run out!

The other day we created a pile of sixteen books (each read an average of three times). My goal for the approaching Wisconsin winter is to create a pile of fifty.