Friday, July 5, 2013

Mosaic Lamp

Before we took our neighbors on an adventure to India, Aurora, Adeline and I took a smaller journey to Turkey just the three of us.  We found it on a map, we read clever stories about the Mulla Nesreddin,* and we talked about the sights, sounds, and smells at Istanbul’s grand bazaar.  Finally, we crafted a mosaic lamp for our window.  Not quiet the stained glass masterpiece that might be found out the market, but beautiful all the same.

To make a mosaic lamp, gather wax paper, tissue paper, construction paper, a glue stick, scissors, and a bit of string.

Cut out the lamp frame (two sides) out of construction paper.  Cut out two pieces of wax paper to fit inside the frame.  Cut the tissue paper into small squares.

Paste the tissue paper squares on to one of the pieces of wax paper.  Multicolor works beautifully, but Aurora was in a pink mood on this day. 

Once the first piece of wax paper is covered top it with the second wax paper piece.  Then paste both into the lamp frame.

Ta da!

I did not think our small lesson on Turkey left an impression until last night when my little girls was playing “Aurora to the rescue!”  Before she slid down her slide in Wisconsin to save whoever needed rescuing she would announce where we were.  I was in Turkey. 

*My favorite Mulla Nasreddin stories follows. 

Once Nasreddin’s neighbor came to him with a complaint against a fellow neighbor.  The Mulla listened carefully and concluded, “You are right.” 

Then the other neighbor came to Nasreddin and put forth his case.  The Mulla listened carefully and concluded, “You are right.” 

The Mulla’s wife, who had listened to the entire proceeding, came to her husband and said “Husband, both men cannot be right.”

Nasreddin listened and declared, “Dearest, you are right.”