Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Window Clings

On Aurora’s window, the snowmen were arranged neatly in little rows, each properly wearing a little scarf and hat.  She placed each one carefully and rearranged them til they were just so.

Adeline’s window was more of a snowmen falling down a staircase arrangement.  Even so she placed each one carefully and rearranged them til they were just so.

Over many days the girls found hours and hours of play in a couple of coins worth of window clings. Stories were told, new arrangements were designed, and pieces were dissected just for the fun of it.  Eventually, there were fewer and fewer until there were none.

So we decided to make our own!

To make your own window clings, add a bit of dish soap and food coloring to glue.  Place the glue on a sheet of plastic and allow to dry overnight.  Ta da!  Window Clings!

We placed ours in small plastic bags.  The girls enjoyed mushing the mixture together.  Then we clipped holes in the corners and piped our designs onto our plastic sheets.

Allowing them to dry overnight took a bit of patience, but the morning came soon enough and again the girls returned to their window games.