Saturday, February 4, 2012

Cloud Dough

 Many days of warm (high 30s) have melted away our snow, so to fulfill Aurora’s request to build a snowman we turned to cloud dough. 

To make cloud dough combine

8 c flour
1 ¼ c oil.

Ta da – cloud dough!

Aurora made snowman after snowman.  She pilled cloud dough on top of her plastic letter molds, borrowed from her play dough set, then excavated them back out again.  She learned the word “excavate.”

She put cloud dough in cups, molded it in her hands, and shoveled it with spoons.  An hour went by and then some.  We played so long; we had to break for a snack.

Then it was back to snowmen, letter excavations, and various other games of Aurora’s inventions.  The dough felt soft as silk, and the oil made our hands smooth and gentle. 

Aurora has already requested to play with the dough again tomorrow.  I will happily oblige.