Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Laughing in her Sleep

For a little less than two years now we have been practicing family bed.  It started as a scheme to get more sleep for Aurora and for us, but has developed into one of my favorite times of day with my child.  Her little sleepy sounds are sweeter than the best lullaby.  Her calls for “cuddle mommy, please” are heart melting.  But the best part is that on occasion, she laughs in her sleep.

Such was the case this morning, when she woke us up at 4:30 am in full on chuckle.  It is fun to imagine what she must be dreaming of when she laughs and laughs and laughs.  Three minutes of laughing, as if we were tickling her!  Her eyes were closed.  Her mouth was wide with a grin.  The happy sound still echoes in my mind.