Saturday, January 28, 2012

Snow Paint

To make snow paint add food coloring to water – ta da, snow paint!  I put the snow paint in several containers, because in my head Aurora and I were going to spray paint the snow, drizzle paint on the snow, and paint the snow with a nice, traditional paint brush.  Aurora humored me for a couple of minutes. 

Then she showed me a better way to paint the snow, which apparently means dumping the colored contents of the yogurt containers directly on the ground. 

Our new method of painting went through my supplies very quickly, but Aurora was not bothered.  Once the paints were gone, Aurora declared that we should build a snowman. 

In fact, painting snow was such a success that Aurora wanted to do it again today now that her Daddy could play.  This time I came prepared.

 We focused most of our attention on painting the snowmen.  We now have the bluest and greenest snowmen on the block!