Friday, February 3, 2012

Groundhog Day

We had a terrific Groundhog Day yesterday.  So many activities in such a short day!  We began by making groundhogs in dirt pudding for breakfast (chocolate pudding, smashed chocolate cookies, and a face painted on a vanilla cookie).

Aurora thought this was terrific fun but got a little upset when I was photographing the puddings instead of serving them! 

We colored groundhog pictures, a construction paper groundhog shadow, and our fingers. 

We played with our new finger puppet.

The highlight was our new groundhog puppet I ordered special for the holiday.  Our personal prognosticator did not see his shadow on our mild overcast day, thus calling for an early spring. 

Aurora climbed in our own groundhog hole with her new toy and pretended to pop out to see her shadow.  Then she recreationally rolled out of her box over and over again laughing harder with each fall.