Friday, April 26, 2013

Living Room Tent

In South Carolina, Aurora was spoiled be her Uncles who are experts at building elaborate pillow forts.   When we returned home, she found Dad and my cushion construction skills to be subpar.  So instead, we set up the tent in the living room.

The cats thought this was the coolest thing ever.  They explored it extensively, jumped in and out, crawled underneath, and attacked each other through the fabric.  Ultimately, they could not handle the excitement of the tent and had to be banished to the basement. 

After a bit of initial scolding of the cats, Aurora agreed that a tent in the living room was pretty awesome.  She spent the morning and afternoon inside.  She played puppets, read stories, ate snack, took naps (pretend ones), sang songs, and entertained her sister inside its green walls.

The tent was a magic place for me too. 
“Aurora, it is time to put on your clothes.”
            “No, thank you.  I want to wear my pajamas.”
“It’s time to put on your clothes.  You can change inside the tent.”
            “OKAY!  I would love to!”
I used this trick through out the day.  Magic tent.