Thursday, January 5, 2012

Cookie Party

Over the holidays, we hosted a cookie party to decorate treats for our neighbors.  To be honest, it was more of a cookie tasting extravaganza.  Aurora treated it as an all-you-can-eat icing buffet!  Jokes on you, ladies!  These were healthy cookies (apple sauce cookies, black bean chocolate cookies), healthy toppings (almonds, coconut, dried papaya, flax seeds, chia seeds, poppy seeds, raisins, and sprinkles – okay, the sprinkles were just colored sugar, but the others are healthy), and healthy(er) icing (1/2 powdered skim milk).  

Once tummies were full, toppings began to find their way onto cookies.  Then things happily deteriorated into topping dumping, sprinkles on the floor free-for-all.  I do not know if anyone eat their dinners that night, but we had such a great time that we hope to do it again next year!