Monday, January 9, 2012

Dress Code

Aurora chooses her own outfits, thus her attire often generates enthusiastic discussion.  She tends to end up in costume or looking like the latest in Harajuku fashion.  Today she received comments from five employees at the YMCA, four different children and their parents at the zoo, and two various other folks.  This is because she dressed like this:

One little boy could not concentrate on the parrots because he was instead tugging at his mother’s coat trying to get her to notice the little girl wearing her “costume.”   The Ywatch employees were bewildered that Aurora, who they considered to be such a Tomboy (she favors the cars and tools), ran about in such abundant pink.  In fact when we picked her up I was tickled to see my little princess going to town as she plastic hammered a toy nail into a board. 

But my favorite comment today was from a little girl at the lions who exclaimed to her Grandma, “Grandma!  That little girl is wearing her princess dress. I want to wear my princess dress.”  To which her grandmother replied, “We went over that this morning.  You wore your dress yesterday and now it is muddy.  You can wear it again tomorrow after I do laundry.”  So many times this fall I had a similar conversation with Aurora.  Now we have four princess dresses and five tutus, so it is an non-issue!

She loves her princess dresses, but, given her druthers, my baby will always choose to be naked. 

Today’s outfit

Yesterday’s outfit

Saturday’s outfit

Friday’s outfit