Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Pillow Room

Wisconsin winter is cold, so, alas playground play-dates are on hold until spring.  Fear not!  Fun can still be had in our warm cozy home.  One of our favorite indoor games to play is pillow room.

To create a pillow room, remove all movable furniture from a room and fill it with every available cushion.  Ta da, pillow room!

Aurora bounced around for an hour or so.  She encouraged Loki to bounce too, but the cat was in a watching mood.

We were having so much fun we invited a friend and built a pillow fort. 

Turns out that collapsing a fort is even more fun than building one!

 Naturally, pillow fort evolved into pillow mountain.  The girls scaled and dove from pillow mountain until all were exhausted and ready for nap.