Sunday, February 26, 2012

M&M Chart

Aurora is so clever.  Everyday I am amazed at how quickly she learns and how much she already knows.  Such was the case when she and I worked on her math skills by creating her first chart using an excel spreadsheet and a bag of M&Ms.

The first surprise came when I asked her not to eat the M&Ms and she said “okay.”  I am pleased she has more restraint then me!  I quickly explained the object of our exercise, and she took to it immediately.  Brown to brown.  Red to red.  Green to green. 

Sometimes she worked through color by color.  Sometimes she grabbed a random handful and worked through them piece by piece.  It was brilliant to watch; she need little help from me as she made quick, methodical work of the pile. 

When she finished the sort, we briefly discussed which colors had the most, the least, the same number of M&Ms. But once she realized the chart was complete, she began eating the columns – top to bottom, right to left. 

 I was a little nervous I had spoiled her appetite, but she happily ate her snack thereafter.