Sunday, February 12, 2012

Toast Paint

Twenty-six years ago, my Sunday school had us paint toast.  I have no idea what it had to do with anything biblical, but it is one of my finest Church memories.  White bread was a treat had only at Grandma’s house.  And simply eating butter on bread, well, it blew my little mind.  I thought bread was for peanut butter and jelly.  I remember eagerly trying to tell my mom about this wonderful experience painting bread with colored butter and how tasty it was, but somehow she did not understand my excited preschool gibberish.  We never recreated the activity.

So, when my pregnant body dictated that the only thing I could eat for three straight days was American cheese on white bread toast, I was very conscience to save the last three slices for Aurora to experience the joys of toast paint.

To make toast paint, melt butter and add food coloring.  Ta da – toast paint! 

Aurora took to it with the same enthusiasm I remember.  I did not even have to explain anything.  She saw a brush, a white surface, some paints and she went to town. 

 Several colors in she paused and tasted the toast.  She made her “mmm, mmm, mmm” noise that I love so much.   

Two minutes later she requested a second piece, painted it quickly and devoured it just as fast.  Then I gave her my last piece and wished I had saved more.  Aurora clearly appreciated the fun and tasty delight that is painted toast.