Friday, March 9, 2012

Felt Board: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom

Aurora is on the mend!  The fever broke late last night, this morning she ate half a squeezey fruit, and the doctor said we had turned the corner.  Already she is showing an interest in gentle play – a perfect opportunity for our new series of games of turning our favorite books into felt boards.  Today we played with lower case letters and a palm tree inspired by Chicka Chicka Boom Boom (by Bill Martin Jr and John Archambault, illustrated by Lois Ehlert, 1989). 

This is how she played with her new felt board yesterday.

This is how she played today.

I am so encouraged by her play, so relieved at her improvement, and so impressed that my two and a half year old knows all her lower case letters.  Aurora is so great.