Thursday, March 15, 2012

Pie Day

Happy Pie Day (yesterday 3.14)!  Aurora was a big fan.  Had I been on my A-game then we would have made all our goodies, but some weeks just aren’t those weeks.  So, we used the help of the greater Madison community.

At the children’s museum Aurora made here own tiny apple pie.  We brought it home so that Dad could help us cook it. 

Then we got a pizza pie.  Apparently, calling it a “pie” was distressing to Aurora who insisted through tears that it was simply “pizza.” 

And of course we topped the day off with cherry pie and ice-cream.

 In the spirit of mathematics, we added some counting books to our usual nighttime fare.  Her favorite, You Can Count on Monsters (Richard Evan Schwartz, 2010), extended her bedtime by a good little bit because we read/counted all the way to 64!