Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Felt Board: Color Birds

Blue bird, blue bird, come to my window
Blue bird, blue bird, come to my window
Blue bird, blue bird, come to my window
Buy molasses candy

Yellow bird, yellow bird, come to my window
Yellow bird, yellow bird, come to my window
Yellow bird, yellow bird, come to my window
Buy molasses candy

Orange bird, orange bird, come to my window
Orange bird, orange bird, come to my window
Orange bird, orange bird, come to my window
Buy molasses candy

Red bird, red bird, come to my window
Red bird, red bird, come to my window
Red bird, red bird, come to my window
Buy molasses candy

White bird, white bird, come to my window
White bird, white bird, come to my window
White bird, white bird, come to my window
Buy molasses candy

Sung over and over again by Mom for thirty minutes or more at a time.  It is repetitive and happy half hour.