Sunday, February 3, 2013

Experiment: Melting Ice

Adeline took a nice long afternoon nap the other day so Aurora and I decided it was science time!  We gathered our materials:  a thermometer, two bowls, two ice cubes, water of varying temperatures, and paper on which to record our findings and to label our experiment. 

In our investigation we sought to discover which would melt an ice cube the fastest: hot water or cold water.  After a discussion, Aurora hypothesized that because the ice cube was cold the cold water would melt it the fastest. 

Practicing the phonetic sounds of each letter as she wrote, she carefully labeled our bowls.

After amusing the cat with the laser beam, she measured the temperature of the water inside each bowl (65˚ F for cold, 111˚ F for hot).  Then she simultaneously placed two ice cubes of approximately the same size into the bowls.

She observed. 

I asked which ice cube was melting the most and she enthusiastically reported back that it was in fact the one in the hot bowl.   This is a finding she would continue to relay to Dad, our neighbors, and various other friends we interacted with throughout the remainder of the day. 

We watched the ice cubes until one in hot water was melted completely.  Then we dumped legos onto the living room floor and constructed libraries for polar bears.