Thursday, February 28, 2013

Toy Car Massage Shirt

She was not interested in the t-shirt when we gave it to Dad a year ago.  Oh well, it was a junk t-shirt and a star trek’s worth of doodling with fabric markers.  Poor Dad- all excited about the idea of entertaining his daughter while receiving a massage.  Aurora would have none of it. 

Until this week!  Dad was wearing his shirt around the house (read:  laundry was so far behind that even the silly play shirt managed to surface in the dresser.)  I did not realize Aurora remembered the shirt, but upon seeing it she instantly requested for her cars and asked for Dad to lie down so she could play.  Happy Dad.  Happy daughter. 

But even better was the next day (and the next) when Aurora noticed that Dad was no longer wearing the shirt and insisted that he put it on immediately.  Dad did not need much convincing.  Adeline too joined in the play by grabbing at the drawing and gently smashing cars on Dad’s back.  Happy times were had by all.

Now the t-shirt too has been eaten by the laundry pile.  I should probably get on that.  Before it develops consciousness and begins consuming all humankind.