Sunday, February 17, 2013

Shrove Tuesday

Now it is Lent, but before we entered the solemn liturgical season we celebrated Shrove Tuesday with PANCAKES! 

The story goes:  A housewife of Olney forgot the time as she was cooking a pancake supper.   Realizing she was late for service when she heard the church bells, she rushed out the door frying pan and all flipping her flapjacks as she ran.

 Keeping with our Anglican tradition, we joined the town of Olney and other English towns in celebrating Shrove Tuesday with pancakes, pancake races and various other pancake contests.  Aurora thought this was terrific fun.  Plus, it meant she had pancakes for supper and enjoyed a complete syrup trifecta:  French toast for breakfast, apple waffle with peanut butter for lunch, butternut pancake for dinner.

After dinner, Dad and Aurora raced around the apartment with frying pans.  Aurora giggled and giggled and giggled as she ran.  Adeline squealed with excitement.

They flipped pancakes in the pans or at least tried.  Then the two moved on to trying to toss their pancakes into their pans.  Huge bouts of laughter followed each toss.  Aurora laughed because she landed a throw; she laughed harder when she missed one.  By the time they tried tossing pancakes with their eyes closed, Aurora could hardly speak for all the giggles.  Then we switched to a sort of shuffle board and, of course, enjoyed more laughing.

Alas, Adeline and I had to excuse ourselves from the fun as the itty bitty got pretty upset that the pancake I handed her was for photographic purposes only, so instead we ate some mashed up banana.  Meanwhile, Dad and Aurora played various games that she made up such as  “Hey, Where’s My Pancake?” 

We played a little past the beginning of bedtime routine, but it is hard for me to interrupt such fun.  By the time we were ready for bath, Aurora’s pancake had been played into pieces.

Winter Squash Pancakes

1 c winter squash, cooked & puréed (buttercup, pumpkin, butternut – listed in the order of my baking favorites, but use whatever squash is handy)
1 1/2 c buttermilk
2 T melted butter
2 T melted coconut oil
2 egg
1 c white flour
1 c whole wheat flour
2 t baking powder
½ t baking soda
4 T sugar
1 t salt
1 t cinnamon
½ t powdered ginger
pinch nutmeg

Beat buttermilk, butter, squash, and egg in a mixing bowl.  Mix together the flours, baking soda, baking powder, sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger and salt.  Add dry ingredients to wet ingredients and stir until just combined.   Lightly butter a griddle and heat pan to a moderate heat, then lower heat.  Drop a spoonful of several tablespoons worth of batter onto the griddle.  Bake until the cakes are full of bubbles and lightly brown underneath.  Flip cake and brown on the other side.  Serve with berries.  Yum, yum, yum.