Wednesday, March 6, 2013


We have just been walloped by another winter storm that snowed an additional ten inches on top of the thick ground cover we have enjoyed all winter.  Aurora spent most of the day playing outside in her snowsuit. 

After a day of ice, snow, wind and cold, today seemed like the perfect day for our annual winter hukilau!  We put on Hawaiian music, put a fish in the oven, tossed some tropical fruit in the blender and cranked up the thermostat to 80 degrees.  Instant Hukilau! 

For a big treat this year, I laid down a couple layers of towels on the floor and filled up Aurora’s kiddie pool.  Awesome idea.  Aurora splashed and splashed and splashed.  The more she splashed, the more Adeline laughed.  Aurora played until Adeline erupted into the biggest, most beautiful laughs I have ever heard.  Gosh, baby laughs have to be the best sound in the world. 

Inspired by Dad, Aurora took to drinking her pineapple-mango-coconut smoothie in the pool in true vacation fashion.  I was running around fixing up dinner, taking photographs, herding cats, etc. when Aurora said, “Mom, you should drink your smoothie here with us.  Put your feet in, Mom.  Try it.” 

Boy was she wise.  No more than two seconds into having my feet in the warm water and a cold drink in my hands then I too had joined them on their Hawaiian holiday.