Saturday, March 2, 2013


Yesterday Dad got a haircut…by Aurorabean!  Turns out, if real life is so busy that the haircut I promised Dad before the start of the semester does not get to happen before midterms Dad’s hair will get so long that he will voluntarily stay home from work to get it cut.  An added bonus to getting an extra morning with Dad was that his super long hair meant Aurora could cut it completely by herself, which, of course, she thought was awesome.

Aurora had her own impromptu hair cut a few weeks ago when she was two minutes into Dad’s care.  Before I had even opened my gmail inbox, I heard excited voices downstairs and returned to find a very proud Aurora holding a long golden lock.  It looked fine and started a conversation that resulted with her agreeing to allow me to give her first a haircut later that week.  I never did get to check my emails that day because no sooner had I gone upstairs then I hear Aurora balling because she could not get her hair to reattach.  Poor dear.

But her self-cut plus a couple well-timed haircuts sported by her friends set us up to give Aurora her first trim ever.  We put in Toy Story. Dad took Adeline. Aurora sat amazingly still.  I was both happy and sad as I cut Aurora’s original golden locks. 




The reveal in the mirror was Aurora’s favorite part.

So when Dad cleared his schedule and I cancelled my morning classes for the girls all in the name of haircut Aurora was super excited to participate.

Gosh she was adorable.  Combing the hair carefully, picking out which strands to cut, and constantly telling Dad to “Please sit still” and “Don’t worry Dad. I will be so gentle.”   

She declared she was finished and enthusiastically insisted Dad join her for the reveal. 

Then we all returned to the office to finish watching Toy Story 2, and I finished up the haircut.