Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Aluminum Foil Play

Hooray for Aluminum Foil!  It entertained two children for two hours!  Yippie. 

The trick to keeping itty bitties playing with a material for a long time is to always keep a game in your pocket.  Just when they start showing the first signs of waning interest, only then reveal your next level of play.   It is with this method that we filled 120 minutes playing with 25 feet of foil. 

At first I gave Aurora a sheet.  She carried it around.  She folded it over and over again.  With it she entertained the cat and amused her baby sister. 

“Aurora, would you like a second/third/etc. piece?”

She made fans, swords, toys, more fans, noses and things with various made-up names like “gee-gee-ya.”

“Aurora, would you like to jump on the foil/to make forts/to create something for Adeline?”

And the finale: “Aurora, would you like a crown?”