Monday, February 11, 2013

Sticker Words

For some time Aurora has known all her letters.  Over the fall she has mastered the phonics, more or less anyway.  She knows the sound the letters make.  Reproducing them occasionally has glitches.  But I tell you; the day she calls our cat Clark instead of Park and says Adeline instead of Ad-E-Lion will be a bittersweet day for me indeed.

Knowing her letters and their sounds, it seems to me the next place to develop our reading skills are words and sentences.  To this end we play lots of games such as sticker words. I pencil in a word on her notebook.  We read the word together.  While making its sound, she places the appropriate sticker on each letter.  Then she reads the word. 

Today’s sentence was inspired by our cats wrestling around like the two teenage boys they are.  Heavy with their thick winter weight they sound like two rhinoceroses. 

Sometimes we have fun writing two or even three sentences at a sitting, but when Aurora becomes a parrot: “What word is this, Aurora?”  “What word is that, Mommy?” or starts reading by staring out the window “Um…dog?”  I know it is time to wrap things up and we move to illustrating our book.