Friday, February 22, 2013

Sweet and Nurturing Child

I am sure all parents see the best in their children and that is how it should be.  But something that I am finding to be super cool about being a parent is when other people notice the qualities that I find so endearing about my child.  The word “proud” seems insufficient for the warm, glowing feeling I get when I hear stories told about Aurora.  This week I twice enjoyed this feeling.

Aurora is the most caring and nurturing person I have ever met.  When Adeline was born, I was nervous that Aurora was going to be jealous.  I was not prepared for the love and affection that Aurora shows to her little sister:  how she cuddles her when she cries and tells her jokes to make her laugh.  When Adeline is sad, Aurora pats her gently on the back saying “That’s okay, Adeline.  I’m here.  I’ve got you.” 

It is this gentle, loving quality that two people have commented on this week.  One was a simple acknowledgement of Aurora’s sweet nature and how lucky I am.  I quite agree.  The other was a report from her preschool teacher.  Apparently, a little boy whose father bikes him to school had fallen getting off the bike and hurt his arm.  While waiting for his mother to arrive with the car to take him to the doctor, the little boy was all tears and wailing.  The teacher reported that after quietly watching the little boy for a minute, she ran off only to return with a toy car the little boy frequently played with.  Aurora gave the car to the boy’s father saying “this might help him feel better.”  The teacher said she got teary eyed.  I know exactly how she feels.

Aurora is an amazing person.