Tuesday, May 7, 2013

10,000 Book Challenge

Aurora loves books.  She devours them.  We read and reread them over and over and over.  If given the chance, she will go through a dozen at a single sitting.  After last week’s library book sale when I came home with two bags full, she sat with me for nearly two hours; we read twenty-eight stories that day.

I leave books all over the house.  There are two that stay permanently in the car.  Comics live in the bathroom.  She has a shelf in the living room, a row in the office, and her own bookshelf has long overflowed and now is working its way around the perimeter of her room.  At any given time I have out twenty-five or more from the library.  We read together while we wait for breakfast, she reads to herself at quiet time, her father reads her a new three plus an Aesop’s fable every night, and then randomly she will ask for stories throughout the day.  At preschool, her teachers tell me she immediately heads to the book corner.   Two to eight times a week, we will attend library classes where she will hear one to five more.  All this and I have never seen her reach her capacity.  The only thing that trumps books is time with friends.  Friends always win.

Recently, we have signed up for Verona library’s 1000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge.  It sounds like a ton, but if you read three books a day to your child, you will achieve your goal in less then the year.   If you live in Dane County, I highly recommend you sign your youngin’ up for the program as it costs nothing and your children get prizes for every hundred books they read.  If you live elsewhere, I still recommend you take the challenge, as Aurora’s own reading has nearly doubled since we started. 

And if you are a little over the top, as I am, you may consider using this as inspiration to start your own personal 10,000 Books Before Kindergarten challenge.  At first I thought this was silly ambitious, but Aurora is one pace to finish way, way ahead of time.  She is so awesome.