Monday, May 13, 2013

Overhead Projector

Ever since the shadow puppet show I had been daydreaming about having my own overhead projector.  I schemed. I scanned the internet for sale sites.  I brainstormed all the things I could do with the girls “if only I had an overhead projector.”

Then there it was.  The exact make and model I had been so badly wanting .  It was covered in dust and sitting in a pile of junk by the side of the road.  Surely it had a broken fan or at least a burnt out bulb, but no!  I was the owner of my very own overhead projector.  Yippie, hooray!

It entertained children like a dream, even better than I could imagine.  I tested it on three itty bitties, and I have never seen them play together so well, stay so focused on one activity together, or require such little attention from me. 

Over and over again, they rode on trains.  They picked and ate apples.  They sprinkled giant juice on each other and grew bigger and bigger and bigger!  Ahhhhhh!  They made hand shadow birds and bunnies.  They climbed trees.  They visited the Louvre, caught birds, and scaled tall buildings. 

So much laughing, so much jumping, so much giggling.  Oh, I loved every minute.  And all this with no prep work from me.  I can’t wait to see what Aurora and I come up with when we really start brainstorming.