Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery

Rainy day + looking for something low key + hey, this is right next to dad’s office = perfect time to visit the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery’s Town Center (No. 9).  Actually, this upcoming weekend would be the perfect time because they are hosting a super awesome interactive exhibit with free ice-cream called Babcock, Biofuels & Bovines, but we are out of town for Dad’s 100K race. 

At Discovery, I attempted to teach Aurora about aquaponics.   Aurora attempted to teach her sister the word “fish.”  Adeline attempted to give the bream a heart attack by beating on the glass.   Then we looked at root cells though a microscope.

We oohed  and aahed over the water walls that chimed and lit up based on the Fibonacci sequence.   

We found fossils in the stone tiles on the floor.

We snacked, played, and posed in front of the Mesozoic garden.

Adeline closely examined the penrose tiling of the forum’s cherry wood floor.  Aurora ran round and round her as she enjoyed the different sounding echoes of her footsteps.  

For the grand finale, we sat in fancy red chairs and watched a train pass behind the water clock.