Thursday, May 30, 2013

Eagle Heights Community Garden

Next week is “In the Garden” week at Aurora’s preschool, so we got a head start by walking around the Eagle Heights Community Garden (No. 11).  Last year at this time, the garden was lush and full of green leafy vegetables and lettuces, even the tomato plants had started to flower, but this year’s long cold spring meant we mostly looked at flowers.

We peaked at people’s plots and spotted creeping strawberries, leafy rhubarb, raspberries bushes and other yummy, sweet treats.  We found early green leaves from potatoes, onions, and beets. We picked weeds growing in the paths so that we could taste the gently bitter dandelion greens and smell the cool, crisp aroma of freshly crushed mint leaves. 

We retrieved Dad, who had been working hard in our own plot, and Adeline, who had been napping hard in our own plot, and spread a blanket in the shade for a peanut butter and banana sandwich picnic lunch.  We watched the tree swallows swoop across the gardens as the cowbirds picked seeds from the freshly worked dirt.  

As the season progresses, it will be fun to watch the dirt kinds of fruits and vegetables grow to maturity.  The garden is a great place to see orioles, cranes, and hawks.  And we know of no place that has better mud puddles for splashing after a good rain!